Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Avast Business Protection Plus 6.0 Full With License

Avast has launched its latest product called Avast Avast Business Protection and Business Protection Plus. Avast! Business Protection is a highly efficient tool which every small and medium businesses can use to protect their company from viruses, malware, data theft and many lagi.Katanya does Avast Business Protection is the best version compared with Avast Antivirus Free and Pro.
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Ultimate for system administrators
avast! Administration Console is available in avast! Business Protection, system administrators can access any computer regardless of geographical location. They can access the computer remotely with the help of any browser komputer.Memonitor network automatically
This is an automated process through which system administrators can control and manage the enterprise network. avast! Administration can protect your corporate network at all times. This will inform the system administrator if the computer detects an unauthorized attempt to log onto the network.
data Privacy
If you conduct online transactions in the bank and are concerned about the privacy of your passwords and other personal details leaked fear, SafeZone new feature of avast! Business Protection will protect him. New features will ensure secure online transactions and keep you against malware such as Keyloggers that can steal your data.

So if you want to transact banking or internet are online and in order to secure immediate use services and features SafeZonedengan pressing the "Switch To SaveZone" and you will navigate to an existing webbrowser personally

how to ... interested to immediately use it, please download the license key Avast Business Protection with the active period up to August 31, 2012.

Yang mau silakan download dibawah ini... 
Download License Catatan : Installer yang sobat gunakan adalah Avast Free, jadi jangan heran yah. tetapi Setelah Installer di Install, dan License dimasukan maka Avast akan berubah menjadi Avast Business Protection setelah melakukan Update Program. Silakan dicoba

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